Hi there, remember me?

February 21, 2009

Can’t blame you if you don’t since it’s been like, um….. FOREVER!!!!! I must admit my blogging dropped to the bottom of my priority list in the past several months due to an overwhelming amount of other “priorities”. Lets see, first we bought our first home, which I’d like to say we’ve been busy working on but still looks almost the same as it did the day we moved in. Then there’s the ridiculous amount of traveling, everywhere from Lynchburg and Washington D.C. to NYC all the way to Nicaragua, just to name a few. Lets not forget the holidays, birthdays, 3-year anniversary, engagements, babies (not my own), and a huge transition at work with King Pharmaceuticals. Somehow in the midst of all that I still managed some photo shoots but their blog documentaries fell victim to the latter. So now I’m back and ready to redeem myself. Not only will I attempt to catch you up on my recent projects but I plan on keeping you in the loop with my upcoming ones as well! I’ve been blessed and honored to be given the the opportunity to capture some astounding weddings in 2009. I couldn’t be more excited to work with theses fabulous couples!! I thank you all in advance for allowing me to play a role in your once-in-a-lifetime event. So thanks for your patience with me and be prepared to meet the incredible people I’ll get to work with in the coming year. 

On a somewhat different note, I’ve had the opportunity to truly reflect on my future……you know, the whole  “where I’m going and why I want to go there”. See, for the past year since photography made it’s grand entrance into my life and completely rocked my world, I’ve battled with the idea of taking a risk and pursuing my new found passion. I’ve had several winds of momentum during the past year, but non lasting enough to push me over the threshold and, like NIKE would say, “Just Do It”!!! I’ve come to the conclusion that fear and insecurity has been my stumbling block. I once heard someone say that most people will choose unhappiness over uncertainty.  Yep….. I might as well have a sign on my back that reads GUILTY for that one!!!! So after a lot of soul searching, praying, and late night conversations with Mark, We’ve made the decision that the time has come for me to, as cheesy as this may sound, follow my dream, do what I’m passionate about, and quit my j-o-b at the end of this year to truly start my photography business in 2010!!! So there you have it. I know I’m not the best photographer in the world….not even close, but I can’t help but believe that I overcompensate for any short comings with the passion and love I have and pour into every image I capture. So with that said, I’ll close with a quote  from my photography idol, Jasmine Star, that has become my theme for 2009. While speaking to a group of photographers during the Free to Succeed Tour with David Jay last year, she said the breaking point for her was when her husband, J.D, looked at her and assured her that:

“I rather see you fail at something you love than succeed at something you don’t”.

Thank God for encouraging and supportive husbands like J.D and my Mark. So here I go……